Frequently asked questions

1. Who can benefit from CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy influences many body functions. It has an effect on the central nervous system, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, immune system, connective tissues, body fluids and all the organs.

  • CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to alleviate a wide range of conditions, including (examples):
  • Headache, migraine, insomnia
  • Chronic neck pain and backpain
  • Asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis
  • Tinnitus and middle ear problems
  • Chronic fatigue, lack of energy
  • Stress, tension, anxiety, depression
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Cardiovascular disease, highblood-pressure, vertigo
  • Motor coordination impairments
  • Orthopedic problems
  • Dental and Temporo-Mandibular Joint problems
  • Traumatic brain and spinal cordin juries
  • Post-surgical dysfunction
  • Digestive problems, menstrual disorders
  • Birth trauma - with its profound physical and psycho-emotional consequences
  • Infantile disorders: feeding difficulties, sleeping problems, colic, pyloric stenosis, squint
  • Behavioral disorders, obsessional behavior
  • Learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyscalculia, concentration problems
  • Hyperactivity
  • Autism, epilepsy
  • The after effect so fany chronic illness or debilitating disease

2. What does a treatment involve and how long does it take?

The client usually lies on his/her backfully-clothed on a comfortable massage table in a relaxing, friendly environment. At the beginning of the session the therapist makes contact by gently placing his/her hands on the client’s body and palpates the client’s craniosacral rhythm to evaluate the movement of the cerebrospinal fluid. The therapist detects any variances or possible restrictions in flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and related soft tissue in accordance with specific learn techniques. When a restriction or variance change has been found, he/she helps the body release restrictions - which it has been unable to over come on its own - that inhibit the body’s normal, self-correcting tendencies. Over the course of a session, a sense of connection develops between the client and therapist. The client also becomes aware of his/her own healing mechanisms and begins to assist in his/her own healing. A typical session will normally last between 45-60 minutes. The first session might be longer, about 1,5 hours.

3. How will I feel during the treatment?

In the broadest sense, most everyone feels a deep relaxation, which is accompanied by a feeling of ease and comfort, and that pervades the whole person physically, mentally and emotionally as well. Many feel as though they have been a sleep. Still others experience memories, emotions or a variety of physical sensations such as sensations of heat, tingling, and pulsation during the session. As the touch used is gentle, but firm and reassuring, everyone who has received CST reports a feeling of ease, comfort and increased feeling of general well-being long after the session.

4. How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions required depends on the actual problem that the client is having, and the client’s ability to self-correct and support physiological changes. In general, from 3-7 sessions can have an enormous effect on most people health, how ever, some people may get complete relief on their first session. Most of the clients receive CST once or twice a week till they attain optimal physical and emotional health, and comeback quarterly for another few sessions to maintain general health and well-being. Clients with chronic or debilitating situations often require long-term therapy and the frequency of sessions usually reduces over time.

5. Can CranioSacral Therapy be combined with other therapies?

CST is useful as both a primary treatment method and combined with other traditional or complementary techniques.

6. Is CranioSacral Therapy safe and useful for infants and children?

Most definitely. The subtle qualities of touch used in CranioSacral work is what makes it one of the safes method, which is suitable for babies, children, and the elderly, and in fragile or acutely painful conditions.

CST is wonderfully effective on newborns and children. Early treatment by a skilled CranioSacral Therapist can sometimes cure problems of birth trauma and even be helpful in the prevention of future problems. Babies’ and children’s systems respond very effectively to CST, and it can be used to address infantile disorders such as is extremely valuable in infants in problems to do with feeding difficulties, colic, sleeping problems and to problems that may relate to the birth process. It ise xtremely valuable in children in chronic ear infections, asthma, hyperactivity and other behavioral problems, fears, learning difficulties, concentration problems, epilepsy, autism, etc. The gentle nature of the treatment puts children at ease and is usually a wonderful experience for all involved.

7. Is CranioSacral Therapy safe during pregnancy?

CranioSacral Therapyis not only safe but recommended during pregnancy, as it calms the nervous system of both mother and child, encouraging emotional bonding which can other wise be short-circuited due to pre-natal and birth stress and trauma. When the mother’s craniosacral system is soothed and balanced during pregnancy, baby gains huge benefits.

8. Is there any condition for which CranioSacral Therapy should not be used?

CranioSacral Therapy should not beused in case of acute cerebral hemorrhage and in situations where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure would cause instability.

9. I don’t feel any pain. Why should I still consider CranioSacral Therapy?

CST plays a vital role in a prevention. It reduces accumulated stress, works to reverse the debilitating effect of stress by providing the conditions in which the nervous system can rest and rejuvenate. It can improve resistance to disease, improves the functioning of the immune system and enhance the body’s natural healing capabilities.

Anyone who regularly deals with stresses of life can benefit from CST.

The therapy can help you to attain greater relaxation, balance in the mind and body and a feeling of greater health and well-being. Everyone who has ever received CranioSacral Therapy report shaving more energy, sleeping better and being sick less often, even long after the treatment.

10. I am interested but skeptical. Do I have to believe in it for it to work?

It helps to have an open mind, but the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy are not dependent upon faith in the treatment.

We have used the text above from the website of the UI Sattelite in Hungary.



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Listening 1 course - in PRAGUE

From 07. 04. 2025
To 09. 04. 2025

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CranioSacral therapy 1 - online workshop
CranioSacral therapy 1 - online workshop
Upledger Institute Study Group (SG)
CranioSacral Therapy 1 in PragueCranioSacral Therapy 1 in BratislavaCranioSacral Therapy 2 in Prague
SomatoEmotional Release 1 in Prague
SomatoEmotional Release 2 in Prague
Pediatrics CST 1   in Prague
CST for Cranial nerves 1 (CSCN1) in Prague
Listening 1 course - in PRAGUEBasic KST training

Mgr. Helena Toušková

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ID: 70097330 - A person registered in the Trade Register on 20 August, 2001

Web vytvořil Lukáš Rolínek